Firmware Release 2.004 - July 2021

This new software version includes many new features and improvements for the mz-16 and mz-32 radio, increasing the usability of your Graupner radio.
The new Graupner GPS Map widget provides a real-time on-screen display of a model during flight. It provides a visual, real-time position location of your model, including distance, altitude, speed, Latitude/Longitude, and the number of satellites used for computation.
We added additional widget types and expanded existing widgets functionality to enhance the use of telemetry further and increase the customization features of the mz-16 and mz-32 radio.
Setting up a model is now more precise when using the servo balancer adjustable detail curves. Control surfaces can be adjusted over the Y and X-axis, and curve points can be added or removed to achieve optimal resolution and synchronization of control surface movements. This new functionality combined with the new mixer types will prove valuable for our sailplane pilots.
For jet pilots with thrust vectoring models we have added a Ring Limiter which enables precise control of the thrust nozzles and also simplifies setting up jets with thrust vectoring.
New mixer types and functions further enhance the usability of the radio system to more advanced programming capabilities than before.
We also added the Portugues and Czech languages increasing our language support to ten languages making the radio a truly global product.
This release also includes numerous fixes and user-requested functions that further show our commitment to our customers and brand.
Updating to this new version will require several steps to ensure that all the needed software and resources are downloaded and installed on the radio.
While the software can be downloaded and installed using built-in WiFi communication, it will be faster and more efficient to use the firmware software updater to ensure a proper installation.
This release includes optimized SD card routines that increase the radios file system's overall reliability and performance. We do highly recommend formatting the SD card before installing the new software.
Before updating your radio, make a backup of all your models and any other files that were installed by you, such as custom voices and images.
- Place the radio in Mass Storage Mode (System/USB/Mass Storage).
- Format the SD Card using the following settings:
- Restart the radio and go through the first time setup settings
- Place the radio in Mass Storage Mode (System/USB/Mass Storage).
- Start the firmware upgrade studio to perform the updates.
- Make sure to check the download resource files checkbox.
Check out our YouTube videos showing how to update the radio. After the firmware has been downloaded and installed, you can copy your files back to the radio.
Model Memory
This new software version introduces a few changes to the model file structure. Existing models need to be converted before using the model with the latest software.
This can be accomplished as follows:
- Load the model into memory and recycle the radio power (switch radio off and on) or;
- Load the model into memory and load another model, which will save the current model to the radios SD card.
With new widget types added and changes to existing widgets, the current widget layout preferences are not compatible anymore.
This requires saving an existing layout in the system setting menu.
This can be accomplished as follows:
- Load an existing model and make changes to the widget layout as needed.
- Go to the System Set menu, select Model Preset/Widget, and tap on the Save button.
- This will store the new format, which you can use with all your existing models.
To apply the new widget format and settings go to the System Set menu, select Model Preset/Widget and tap on the Load button.
Firmware Upgrade Studio
When performing a resource update, you will have the option also to download sample maps, models, and images.
Please note that these model samples are for educational purposes only and should be used as reference only.
GPS Map Widget
The new Graupner GPS Map widget provides an on-screen display of your model (mz-16 & mz-32) during movement.
It provides a visual, real-time position location of your model including distance, altitude, speed, Latitude/Longitude, and the number of satellites used for computation.
The offline map also shows the home location, which is the starting position from where the model was launched and from where you would normally control the airplane. This can be used as a reference to where the model is and provides visual cues of its location. For example, when used with an airplane it will assisy with flying the desirerd heading to get the airplane back to its starting position or to avoid no-fly zones.
Each map can have multiple alarm notifications set for when the airplane is flying outside the map boundaries. This can assist the pilot with compliance to mandated FAA or flying club rules.
Voice Notice - Min / Max
Voice notices for min and max values of telemetry data can now be set in the voice notice menu. After the annoucment has been made, the min or max values are reset (also on the widgets). This can provide comperative telemetry information during flight at various control settings.
If only the max values are required, the voice notice should only be activated at the end of the flight.
The only values that will not be reset after each announcement are the Min/Max Altitude of the Vario sensor since this data is coming from the sensor and therefore cannot be reset by the radio.
Min and Max Altitude values of the other sensors like GPS, EAM, GAM can be reset during the flight.
Nested Mixers
This new mixer type allows you to influence the mix factor of an existing mixer.
With the mixer active you can for example influence differential functions for ailerons, flaps, V-tails, or vehicle tracking.
EXAMPLE: You want to control the amount of deflection of the rudder when using an Aileron to Rudder mix.

From the Free Mixers menu create a mixer from Aileron to Rudder and name it for example "Ail-Rud".

Assign a control to a channel that will be used to control the mix. In this example, we use CH8 which we named Ctl CH8, and where LV1 is assigned as the control.
Now create another mixer where the From is Ctl CH8

On the mix tap on the To field to bring up the field selection dialog.
Scroll down the list and select the previously created Ail-Rud mix. Now when both mixes are active the maximum rudder movement will be influenced by the LV1 control.
Mixer Link Types
Two new link types have been added to the Free Mixers menu, “After Cross Mixer/Sequencer” and “Trim After Cross Mixer/Sequencer".
This new link type provides the ability to influence individual control deflection on each surface seperatly. For example, if you need to make an adjustment to only a single control surface, for example, left aileron or right flap due to lack of symmetry you can create a multi-point mix that can correct this for each flight phase with a high level of accuracy with no need for programming in other mixers.
EXAMPLE: On a sailplane, we need to have an offset on the right aileron due to mechanical deflection differences that were not addressed during the build or in the Servo Set menu using the Servo Balancer.

In the Free Mixer menu create an aileron to aileron mix

Change the curve type to horizontal and tap on the link field to select a link type

Scroll down the link type list and select one of the after cross mixers link types

You can manually adjust the curve up or down with the orange bar or you can create a Direct Adjust control for better fine-tuning.

Assign a control in the Direct Adjust menu to adjust the curve

In this example, we will be using DT6 as the adjusting control

After assigning the control, you can also set the min/max values which determine the amount of adjustment

The single-point curve is now linked to DT6. You can also create a multi-point curve to further enhance the control adjustments
Portuguese and Czech Language
Added the Portuguese language to the mz-16 and mz-32 radio which includes also voice files. Many thanks to our friends in Brazil, Wilson, and Isaac and Martin Falticko for their hard work !
Home Key Shortcut
If one of the other widget decks is active, you can return to the main deck by pressing the lower left key.
Mixer Copy
Mixers in the Free Mixers menu can now be copied. To copy a mixer, tap on the mixer number you wish to copy, and from the toolbar tap on the copy icon.
Note that only the mixer details are copied and not the From / To values.
Voice Notice - Trim Position
Voice notices for up to 8 trim positions can be set in the Voice Notice menu.

From the Voice Notice menu, scroll down the system notices list and select Trim [1 - 8].

Assign a digital trim control [DT 1 - 8] for notice activations. For example, if you want to know the current trim position for the aileron channel, select DT2.

Set the switch type as shown.
Power Widget and Notices
A new widget has been added to the Air ESC, General, and Electric Air module showing motor power in Watts. It is also possible to assign a Voice Notice to announce Power and Maximum Power in real-time.

New widget that shows the actual power in Watts during motor run for ESC and General and Electric Air module

Add power widget from Air ESC menu as well as from the Electric or General menu.

Add power voice notice from Air ESC menu as well as from the Electric or General menu.
Cell Voltage Widgets
Single-cell voltages can be shown when using a general or electric air module. This release also introduces a full-size widget for cell voltage and RPM which improves overall readability. When using the full-size RPM widget it will display RPM, Min/Max RPM, Current, Voltage, and max current.

Look for the full-size widget icon available for Cell Voltage and RPM in the Air ESC, General Air, and Electric Air modules.

Full-size cell widget for Electric Air module showing individual cell voltages of up to two 7S LiPo packs and total voltage.

Electric Air module showing cell voltages and power.
Multi Receiver Telemetry
Models with multiple receivers can now be accesed individualy during flight to get telemetry readout of each receiver (mz-16 max 2 RX’s, mz-32 4 RX’s).
The following needs to be observed when using this advanced feature.
- Receivers need to have identical telemetry modules installed. For example, if one receiver has a telemetry installed and you would like to get ESC telemetry readings on another receiver that receiver has to have an identical telemetry ESC. This does not apply when only receiver voltage, RSSI and temprature need to be monitored as all Graupner receivers have this capabality nuilt in.
- The first active receiver after powering the radio on will be used for scanning.
- Receivers that need to be part of the scan need to have their “T.Sel” set in the RF Menu.
- Receiver switching is only active if one of the widget screens is active or from the Settings and Data View Telemetry Menu.
- Switching between receivers is done on channel CH16.
- CH16 = -100% = Receiver 1
- CH16 = 0% = Receiver 2
- CH16 = 100% = Receiver 3
- CH16 = 125% = Receiver 4
NOTE: Switching between receivers does not affect your control channels. Only the telemetry values are being read and announced when CH16 is being cycled.
NOTE: You will need the most curent receiver software installed
NOTE: You can automate the switching between receivers by using a digital switch blink type.

Bind receivers first. For each receiver you wish to monitor you need to check the "T.Sel" checkbox.
On the mz-16 you can only bind 2 receivers.

Assign a switch to channel 16 to cycle between each receiver. You may need to adapt your switch type according to your setup.

You can design a deck showing the main receiver telemetry values and use the assigned switch to cycle between telemetry data.
The model link widget can now handle additional image sizes. There are now three image sizes that can be associated with a model which further enhances the customization options of the mz-16 and mz-32 radios.
Images need to be in Windows BMP, saved in 24bit at 72dpi format. They also need to be named according to the model and image size used for the model.
For Example:
158 x 106 pixels - Model_Name.bmp
158 x 52 pixels - 2X1_Model_Name.bmp
480 x 214 pixels - 6X4_Model_Name.bmp
The image needs to be copied into the Image folder on your radio using the Mass Storage mode (System/USB Menu).
If the image does not meet above set requirements it will not be loaded and replaced by a default image.

Model Link Widget at 480 x 214 pixels.

Mixed Model Link Widgets (158 x 106 and 158 x 52 pixels)
A new widget The model link widget can now handle additional image sizes. There are now three image sizes that can be associated with a model which further enhances the customization options of the mz-16 and mz-32 radios.
Images need to be in Windows BMP, saved in 24bit at 72dpi format. They also need to be named according to the model and image size used for the model.
For Example:
158 x 106 pixels - Model_Name.bmp
158 x 52 pixels - 2X1_Model_Name.bmp
480 x 214 pixels - 6X4_Model_Name.bmp
The image needs to be copied into the Image folder on your radio using the Mass Storage mode (System/USB Menu).
If the image does not meet above set requirements it will not be loaded and replaced by a default image.

From a deck, tap on a empty widget block and select he image widget from the system widgets list.

You can select from three images sizes:
- 2 blocks = 158 x 52 pixels
- 4 blocks = 158 x 106 pixels
- 9 blocks = 480 x 214 pixels
In this sample 9 blocks are selected.

For a 9 blocks image size (480 x 214 pixels) the deck should have no other widgets so that the image can fit on the screen.
Tap on the "New Model" widget to activate the image edit dialog.

In the image edit dialog you can enter the image name to be used or delete the widget.

In this example we use the Alpha 150 GPS image. Note that we do not need to add the image prefix when entering the image file name.
6X4_Alpha 150 GPS.bmp is entered as Alpha 150 GPS. The same applies for the 2X1 size images.

The image widget can include any type of information you would like to have available on your radio such as checklist, model details, phone numbers or a lineup pictures of family pictures..
Digital Switches to Free Mixers
You can now use digital switches assigned to controls. This allow you to control channels by means of a digital switch widget from any of the radios widget decks.
This further expands the radios capabilities where you can use the touch screen to control various functions such as turning lights on and off, start a motor, cycle channels with different delay’s, create your own checklists and much more. You can create up to 64 Digital Switches between the radio decks.

Go to the Special Menu and scroll down and select the Digital Switch option.
Rename DS1 to Lights and activate the switch.

Got to the Special Menu and scroll down and select the Free Mixers option.
Create a mix where the From field is the previously created Digital Switch DS-Light.

On the To field of the mix select any channel you wish to control and activate the mix.

The last step is to create a Digital Switch Widget using by adding the previously created Digital Switch to the deck.
Pressing the button activates channel 8.
Ring Limiter
The Ring Limiter enables models with thrust vectoring to control the output of the thrust nozzles in a 360-degree circular motion, which improves the stability and flight response of the model.
The Ring Limiter provides all the mixing needed to enable and control thrust vectoring on a model. It provides control for up to three nozzles and allows output deflection control as well as circular control for additional fine-tuning of each thrust nozzle.

Assign controls for the servos that controls the thrust vectoring nozzles.
In this example we use the the same control we use for our rudder (ST4) and elevator (ST3).
If you want to turn thrust vectoring On/Off, you should create flight phase to disable the control to servos.

From the Function menu select the Ring Limiter menu option.

Select the X and Y inputs and set the X and Y outputs as show and activate the Ring 1 mix.

In the ring detail menu you can view the channel outputs during stick movements.
In the value menu you can set the amount of deflections and also change the shape of the ring if needed.
- Radio Power Off: The delay for turning the radio off has been reduced by 50%
- Car or Boat Models: Car or boat model's trim key will not stop at the zero position to facilitate certain functions like hydraulics simulations.
- Sequencer: Added the option to have a reverse function setting.
- Battery Warning and Notice: Depending on how the battery symbol is set (percentage or voltage), system or voice notifications will be made depending on the symbol settings (Battery voltage or remaining percentage).
- Voice Notice: Time delay for voice notices can now be made also flight phase-dependent.
- Vibration Alarms: When assigning a vibration type, you can go back to a previous type by pressing on the vibration icon. If you want to switch off the vibration in the System Notice, tap on the vibration text, and if in the Sensor Notice menu, tap on the symbol text.
- Widget Home Key: When on a widget deck, pressing the key on the lower left of the radio will navigate back to the main screen.
- Control Set: Channel + / - delay increased from 10 seconds to 25 seconds.
- Joystick Mode: Changed USB Joystick mode from switch input signal to servo output signal. Also optimized resolution for 100% +/- 150% travel.
- Power Off: The radio can be powered off also when there is an active RF connection. Press the power off button for at least 4 seconds to power off.
- Helicopter Mixer: Corrected helicopter mixer rate A graph to show the correct direction.
- Lost Packets Notice: In previous versions, the receiver lost packets were continuously announced until cleared or muted. This release will announce lost packets for up to 6 seconds before being muted and be following with a receiver strength notification. If the lost packets increase after the previous notification, the lost packets announcement will sound again following by a receiver strength notification. You can reset the lost data packets value by assigning a mute/active warning control in the System Set menu. When pressing unmute, the currently lost packets are announced one more time before being reset to the current value.
- NOTE 1: There has to be a User Notice set for receiver Loss Packet
- NOTE 2: Make sure you are using the most current receiver firmware version
- Servo Balancer: Improved servo balancer where both the X and Y curve points can be moved, deleted, and added (max 13). This enhances the ability to set up, adjust and synchronize to optimize a model's control surfaces.
- RF Warning: Increased the amount of time the first RF warning message (Telemetry Inactive) is sounded after powering the radio giving the user more time to power his model. After about 20 seconds the "Telemetry Inactive" notification will sound only once.
- Direct Adjust: When creating a new direct adjust it will show an improved description for the selected curve point providing a better identification of the selected curve point.
- File Manager: Renaming a file from the file manager is now possible after copying. In case renaming is not possible, the copied file name is not changed.
- System Notice: Throttle too high is now detected even when the motor-cutoff is active.
- GPS Widget: Changed GPS arrow to improve contrast.
- SD Card: Improved SD Card routines.
- Vario: Vario sound is switched off during a voice announcement.
- GUI Freeze: In case of a GUI lockup the radio can be switched to off by pressing the power button for 10 seconds. Voice announcements will continue to work.
- Wing - Tail Menu: Rate A and B exchanged in the Elev Flap mix when no offset is used.
- Free Mixer: An error in the "After Mix" and "After Mix with Trim" link types has been corrected. This fixes a situation where the master and slave channels were identical and where the Y value at X=0 was not zero resulting that the curve had actually a Y offset.
- NOTE: If you used this mixer link type, make sure to check all your control functions for proper operation.
- Trim View: Trim View window screen would randomly appear during phase changes when trim settings were different in switched phase.
- Corrected SmartBox receiver protocol.
- Model Type: When changing the existing model tail type or throttle type other settings such as Wing Type are not reset and will retain their existing settings.
- Throttle System Warning: The throttle position warning now correctly works when an output swap is used on the throttle channel.
- Car / Boat Model: When a new car or boat model is created, ST3 and ST4 are now properly mapped to the output.
- Sensor Switch: Corrected ESC current switch value which was too low.
- CRSF V2: Corrected travel output and motor cut-off function.
- Delta Wing: Corrected elevator trim for AIL3 and AIL4