Graupner Receiver Telemetry Settings
Posted by Tech Team on 11/25/2020 to
Q&A - Graupner Receivers
All Graupner HoTT receivers provide telemetry of signal quality, receiver voltage, temperatures and on some also altitude. You can setup telemetry alarm values directly on the receivers that when a preset
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Serial & Digital Output on Graupner Receivers
Posted by Tech Team on 11/11/2020 to
Q&A - Graupner Receivers
If you would like to connect your Graupner radio system to a third-party product such as flight controllers, power extenders or any device that uses a compatible protocol to communicate with RC receivers. The
Graupner Radios back in Stock!
Posted by Sales and Marketing on 11/11/2020 to
We are pleased to announce that Graupner radios are now back in stock and ready to ship! Combined with a wide selection of receivers, accessories such as radio batteries, HoTT speed controllers and telemetry modules you can now configure a
Product Support Resources
Posted by Sales and Marketing on 11/2/2020 to
In our efforts to keep our customers continuously updated about our products and their capabilities we have set up a special resources pages with tutorials, how-to, manuals and software all conveniently at one place for easy and immediate access.