NEW - Rewards Club

Customer satisfaction is always high on our list. 

We are often judged not only by the quality and capabilities of our products but also by how we perform as a company with things such as shipping on time, picking up the phone, responding to support questions, and communicating with our customers. 

Control Hobbies is now starting its third year in business, and we want to take our relationship with you, our customer, even further.

By now, we hope that we have earned your trust and that we have met and hopefully exceeded your expectations in continuing to be a loyal customer. 

As of February 2022, we will be starting a new loyalty program that will reward you with points each time you purchase products on our website. 

There are various ways to earn points outlined on the rewards club overview page

We look forward to serving you as our customer, and we hope that our new rewards club will provide you with that bit of extra cash to continue enjoying our hobby. 



Rewards Club Page

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