Graupner radios back in stock

We are welcoming back the mz-24 PRO radio after being out of stock for quite some time. 

The mz-24 PRO is a top-rated radio with many features at a price that is hard to beat. 

The online reviews of the mz-24 PRO radio will tell the story in the best possible way by our loyal customers. 

This is also the first batch of mz-24 PRO radios manufactured in Korea. Two years ago, Graupner shut down its factories in China and relocated the production back to the corporate headquarter in South Korea. 

Re-starting manufacturing took longer than planned. With Covid, the global supply shortage of raw materials and transportation challenges caused a delay longer than anticipated.  

We have also revamped the mz-24 PRO support pages and videos, which should help our existing and new customers to get up to speed with this radio. 

mz-24 PRO Support

The mz-12 PRO is now also back in stock. This 12-channel radio is an excellent beginner's radio and packed with features at below two hundred dollars. For those who already have a Graupner radio, the mz-12 PRO is a perfect addition as a student radio using the wireless teacher/student link. 

We do expect the mz-32 back in stock next month as well We are now fully stocked with most Graupner products such as radios, receivers, speed controllers, and telemetry modules, which we plan to further expand in the near future. 

If you have any requests or recommendations for new videos, please post them in the comments below. 

Until then, stay healthy and safe! 



Dave T

Date 2/4/2022

Control Hobbies

Date 5/20/2022

Steve west

Date 5/6/2022

Control Hobbies

Date 5/20/2022

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